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General Information
Your Co-operation with the school staff is essential for ensuring the highest benefit to the student for maintaining a good standard for the school.
The very first condition of admission is that parents/guardians should comply strictly with the terms and rules here in, paying the tuition fees and all other charges by the due date. Any further changes regarding rules or tuition fees or any other changes will be binding on them. The same will be notified on the notice board.
Parents are requested to enforce regularity and discipline. They may kindly see that their children prepare their lessons daily and are punctual in the school. Prepare the work set to them and see that they devote sufficient time in their study.
Please make adequate arrangements for the safety of your children on the way to and back from the school.
In case , your child travels by your own transport, please ensure that he/she reaches school in time but not earlier than 10 minutes to the first bell and leaves for home immediately after the last bell.
Politeness and courtesy in speech and conduct as well as cleanliness in dress and person are expected.
Leave of absence may be granted for appropriate reason but only on application duly signed by the parent/guardian. This must be made in advance whenever possible with name, class and section of their ward. Absence and leave record given in the school diary must be made use of.
Any communication (request , complaint or suggestion) made by the parent/guardian should be addressed to the Principal. Thus, communicating parents/guardians are requested to mention in their letters the name and classes with section of their child. It can be done directly either in writing or meeting the Principal personally.
Kindly study the progress report and go through the Unit test papers sent from school time to time and return them duly signed.
You are requested to visit the school at least once in a month to enquire about the progress of your children.
No visitors are allowed to see pupils or interview their class teachers during school hours.
All business will be transacted through the office.
Parents are requested not to send anyone or to call away their children during school hours without application, except in the case of an unforeseen emergency.
The school will be sending notes, circular etc., through the students from time to time, which ought to be attended. Failure to do so may put your children to great inconvenience and they could be sent home. Repeated late coming or forgetting to bring books will be punished in the same way.
Some practice of English conversation at home will help the students to follow classes more easily.
Giving gifts to any of the school employees either in cash of in kind is totally discouraged.
Parents must realize that Parent Teacher Meeting is very important and must attend them regularly.
We welcome constructive criticism. We feel happy when parents take keen interest in the smooth running of the institution and point out our drawbacks. Without regular feedback from the parents, it will be difficult for us to make required progress.
See that your ward has the textbooks, notebooks, items of stationery, crafts materials etc. from the beginning of the session.
Ensure that all the books and notebooks are covered with brown paper.
Ensure that your ward comes to school in proper uniform with polished shoes, trimmed hair (Boys) plaited hair (Girls) and clean nails.
Inform the school in case of any change in address and telephone numbers.
The Principal reserves the right to inflict punishment upon students either corporal or otherwise, as the deem one if necessary.
Answer sheet of students for the examinations will not be given to parents, private tutors or others. The School does not retain answer scripts of candidates who sit for these examinations for more than three months.
The school shall not take the responsibility or liability for any unforeseen incident like accident or illness etc. of the students that may happen at school during school hours. However minor injuries or sickness during the school hours shall be attended to. In case of emergency parents/doctors will be immediately informed.
The interpretation of any rules in the prospectus. As well as any amendments to it rests solely and entirely with the governing body of the school. This shall be final and binding on parents/guardians and no case shall lie in any court of law in respect of the decision.
Parents can visit the Principal between 9:00 am. to 12:30 pm. on the school days.
Parents must declare honestly if their ward has any medical or psychological problems.